Deriving Data

Deriving data is one of the key concepts with Reactivity, as it allows the UI to “settle” efficiently without the need to run extra computation cycles (or worse: re-renders).

In this lesson we’ll add secondary data to our counter that will double the value

First, in the HTML, we need to add a new element:

<div id="app">
<div class="card">
<button id="counter" type="button">text here</button>
<div id="doubled"></div>

Then in our main.js, we’ll need to query for that element:

import { Signal } from "signal-polyfill";
import { effect } from "signal-utils/subtle/microtask-effect";
let count = new Signal.State(0);
let element = document.querySelector("#counter");
let doubledElement = document.querySelector("#doubled");

and then we need to create another way to sync the data to the content of the doubledElement. Beneath our previous effect, we can add another

effect(() => (element.innerHTML = `count is ${count.get()}`));
effect(() => {
let doubled = count.get() * 2;
doubledElement.innerHTML = `doubled is ${doubled}`;

The derived data part here is the assignment:

let doubled = count.get() * 2;

This is possibly over-simplified, but the way we read this is that doubled is the result of the computation on the right-hand side of the equals.

This will become important later, as we dive more in to deriving more complex data, and introduce class-based data derivation.

Preparing Environment
  • Installing dependencies
  • Starting http server